Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Cabin Mini Butterfly

Hi, I am back with a new photo story. In honor of mini doll week for camp doll diaries I  created a photo shoot with Kit and a mini madame Alexander doll.  

A Horse Adventure 

"Kit!" I yelled as we raced down to the horse stable, "Slow down!" "Oh, all right" Kit said and waited for Gretel to catch up, "Which horse do you want?" "The tan one please" Gretel said as she made her way over to the two horses all saddled up and ready for an adventure.  


 "Where are we going?" Gretel said as Kit showed her how to mount a horse, " We will ride over to Mulch hill, look at and identify wildlife then take Grassy path back to the stables," Kit explained, "Come on!"  
 "We are arriving at our destination" Kit said as we spotted the mound of mulch they call Mulch Hill here at camp.  
"Why is that rope their?" I asked as we made our way up the hill, "I don't know!" Kit exclaimed, "Lets go check it out!" 
As we got closer we dismounted and Kit, eager to test out the rope, ran ahead. "So much for being a junior counselor" mumbled Gretel, who, as she arrived was told that Kit would be in charge of her, just think of that, your sister who is just a year older than you bossing you around!, though Gretel. 
Gretel hurried over to where the rope was and saw that Kit was way up high "Kit!" Gretel exclaimed as she saw kit climbing even higher, "You might fall!" No sooner than those words came out of Gretel's mouth Kit landed with a thud next to Gretel.  
As Kit started to wake up she asked Gretel to get the horses, as Gretel turned around she realized she must have scared the horses away with her shouting because their they were, in the middle of Grassy Field!  
"Come back" Kit exclaimed as she frantically waved her arms. 
Gretel and Kit quietly made their way over so as to not startle them and mounted. 
 "I guess this was and adventure after all." Gretel said softly as they made their way back to the horse stables, the horses nodded in agreement. 
The End

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