Saturday, May 23, 2015

Everything AG 10 Followers Challenge 1

Ah, I was planning on posting this earlier but with getting ready for vacation, leaving and arriving this totally slipped from my mind until now. Luckily just before I left I was able to get a few pictures of Caroline that I used for my entry. The rest of the pictures will most likely be posted tomorrow :)
The challenge theme was what inspires you. I chose to submit a picture for my entry. So, my inspiration mainly comes from Pinterest ;), but the talented AG bloggers in this community also inspire me! The picture represents inspiration taken from nature (that is present in almost all photos I take) as well as the dolls that helped inspire me to create a blog and try and develop skills in photography as well as sewing.        
Thanks for looking!, 


  1. Ok, I got your entry! :) Challenge 2 will (hopefully) be up tomorrow!


  2. I love the photo! Caroline looks super pretty. ^_^
    ~Leah <3


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